Mission, Vision, & Values

Our Mission

FirstGen Ahead empowers first-generation college students with the knowledge, skills, networks, and opportunities they need to successfully transition from college to career.

Our Vision

FirstGen Ahead delivers on the promise of a college education by coaching first-generation students to identify and launch careers, to increase self-sufficiency and well-being, and to achieve beneficial societal impacts.

Our Values

  • Student Agency: FirstGen Ahead students have voice and choice.  Each student chooses their own coach rather than being assigned to one. Students work with their coach based on their individual circumstances and aspirations.
  • Community: Students, coaches, partners, and sponsors are the FirstGen Ahead community.  We work together empowering first-generation college students to be career ready. Everyone benefits in the process.
  • Authentic Relationships: Our community shares ideas and who we are without fear of being judged. This is fundamental to individual and collective growth.
  • Equity: We respect diverse life challenges and are committed to reducing opportunity gaps for first-generation college students as they transition from college to career.  
  • Accountability: We are answerable for our words and actions. This also includes an obligation to make things better and to pursue excellence in advancing the mission of FirstGen Ahead. 
  • Informed Decision Making: For decisions large and small, we utilize data and consider multiple perspectives and options to guide our actions.