Electronic portfolios (referred to as e-portfolios) play a significant role in assisting candidates with their efforts to secure relevant internships and post-degree employment. They are basically a personalized website with visual and sometimes auditory representations that help create a personal brand. The majority of hiring managers are more impressed by a candidate’s e-portfolio than other personal branding tools, yet only 7% of job seekers actually have one, according to an article in Forbes. Why are hiring managers more impressed with an e-portfolio? It gives them a glimpse into a candidate’s personality in a way that’s not evident from a resume. It also allows job seekers to highlight what people will find when they search online, and it allows candidates to demonstrate key knowledge and career-related skills with a clear demonstration of the competencies employers seek.

At FirstGen Ahead, students have the opportunity to create an e-portfolio with the guidance of their coach. Working with their coach, students can review other student e-portfolios, brainstorm potential content, and receive feedback both on substance and design. Current seniors will have the opportunity to present their e-portfolios to a panel of HR professionals for feedback in December. Once finalized, e-portfolios can be included on their LinkedIn page allowing for easy and visible access to a potential employer.

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