Given that over half of interns are offered a full-time job after the internship ends, it’s important to view your internship as if it is an extended job interview. During the internship, the employer observes your competencies, including not only what you accomplish, but how you work with your colleagues. You may be privy to employment opportunities at different points in time during your internship and when it is coming to a close. Irrespective of this timing, you should take the initiative of expressing your interest in obtaining full-time employment. This article provides you with a general framework that you can use to make it clear that you’d like to transition from being an intern to becoming a full-time employee when your internship is coming to a close.

A few weeks before your internship ends, schedule an exit conversation with your supervisor and ask for a review (see related article above). It is during this meeting that you can explain your interest in working for the organization if they have full-time openings after you graduate from college. Describe what you enjoyed doing most as an intern and your accomplishments. Also, speak to how you hope to use specific skills to continue contributing to the organization as a full-time employee. Linking your skills and how you hope to contribute based on their “pain points” (areas where they need help), illustrates a deeper understanding and organizational awareness. Finally, mention your relevant career goals and how you believe you could achieve them with the organization.

Be prepared to hear a “Thank you for your interest in continuing to work with us” and “We don’t have any job openings in the near future” response. If this is the case, simply reiterate your interest and let your supervisor know that you would appreciate being considered if a future opportunity arises. At the conclusion of this discussion, offer to assist them while you’re back in school, even if it means volunteering some of your time.

Showing initiative, being appreciative, and keeping the door open will leave a strong impression and can point the way to a full-time offer after you’ve completed your college degree.

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