A summer internship can be perceived as an extended job interview since many intern positions are converted to full-time offers after graduation. In addition to turning up five minutes early and dressing appropriately for the workplace (assuming the internship is not virtual), be enthusiastic about the organization and its work. Come in with a plan on what you want to personally and professionally get out of the internship. Here are some additional tips to excel during your summer internship:

1. Do the job you were hired to do, and do it well. In order to do this, it’s important to know the expectations your supervisor has for you and then deliver it to the very best of your ability. In carrying out your tasks and responsibilities, are you communicating efficiently and effectively, such as responding to email the same day or within 24 hours and bundling your questions for your supervisor instead of interrupting each time you have a question? Are you asking for feedback and then listening to the feedback given in order to further improve?

2. Think beyond your assigned duties. There will be downtime during your internship; turn this into productive time and an opportunity to be proactive, volunteering to take on new projects and helping others.

3. Connect with others. Internships are a great way to build your network and learn about the career paths of your co-workers. Set up informational interviews, ask questions, seek advice (from informal mentors) and learn. Keep connected after the internship through LinkedIn, and make sure everyone you connected with receives a heartfelt, handwritten thank-you note when you finish your internship.

4. Reflect on your experiences. One way of doing this is keeping a running log of activities and identifying what activities give you energy and which ones are you really absorbed in. Activities that give you both energy and are engaging are signs of a good match. In addition to logging activities, what did you learn about yourself in relation to working with others or working in a specific environment? Did you accomplish what you set out to do in your initial plan? Taking time to reflect will give you insights into your future work preferences and help you document your successes when updating your resume.

Image Source: https://kristinesimpson.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/excelling.jpg