Shanicka Burdine is the Assistant Director for Illinois Promise, a college access and success program at her alma mater, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is also a first-year coach with FirstGen Ahead. Mentorship and student support have been at the heart of her work; Shanicka aims to inspire and empower all students that she meets, specifically first-gen, low-income students. She sees herself as a resource for the students and uses her voice as a tool to listen and speak up for students.

As a first-gen, low-income student herself (like many of us in FirstGen Ahead), Shanicka’s grateful for the role that her mentors have played throughout her journey. She believes that some of the qualities that make the best mentors are honesty, actively listening to students, being open to receiving feedback, and being able to see the world through students’ eyes and valuing their perspective. In her relationships with students, transparency has been fundamental. She is able to develop meaningful relationships with students by sharing her authentic self.

Given the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been particularly difficult for students to apply for internships and other hands-on opportunities for the summer and beyond. Shanicka’s advice for students is to “Keep your mind open to all the options and possibilities.” and “Do not be afraid to ask questions.” She encourages students to see every opportunity as a chance to grow and expand their network and professional portfolio. She urges students to take healthy risks and step out of their comfort zone whether that’s through trying out a new industry or reaching out for help.

Two mottos that Shanicka embraces are “It is not enough to be at the table, it’s about what you’re doing with your seat there.” and “Nothing beats a failure but a try.” With this mindset, Shanicka has not only been able to achieve personal success and fulfillment but also instills these values in every student she encounters.