Carolyn Brandes is a professional problem-solver, educator, trainer, lawyer, and mediator. She currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer at the Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) and has provided legal services to people in low-income, high-conflict, or other complex situations. She also serves as a FirstGen Ahead coach because she believes that “education is the most effective way to contribute to the community and develop life-sustaining skills for oneself and family.” She routinely mentors people who have dreams they want to turn into reality.

The student Carolyn coaches is interested in a career involving education, research, and health care. Carolyn believes she has best been able to coach her thus far by helping her revise her resume so that past experiences can be better translated into marketable skills. Based on her experience to date as a FirstGen Ahead coach, Carolyn says, “It is important to think about the big picture, which means finding time each day to do something more than what is on the daily to-do list. This means both taking active steps towards planning for the future and also stopping for self-care.”

Carolyn’s advice to first-generation college students preparing for the transition from college to career is, “Start early, network widely, and experiment boldly. The world is full of endless opportunities, each one leading to the next in ways that are hard to predict. Listen to what is being offered, say yes and see where it takes you.”